- 3G Data card
- 3G Handset
- 3G Mobile Services
- 3G Video Calling
- Audio Conferencing
- BSNL's Application Store Service
- Billing
- BSNL Broadband
- BSNL Mobile - Postpaid
- BSNL Mobile - Prepaid
- BSNL Wallet
- Cellular Service (General)
- Code
- Commercial
- Directory
- FLPP (Fixed Line Prepaid)
- Internet
- Mobile
- Mobile TV
- Phone-Backup through BSNL
- Procedure To Get 3G
- Tele- Education service
- Telephone
- Video Conferencing Service
- Voice
- Voice VPN
- Web conferencing service


Sancharnet is a country wide Internet Access Network of Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, India. It offers Dedicated and Dialup (PSTN & ISDN) Internet Access Services across all the major cities in India. In many cities it also offers CLI based acountless internet acceess.

Mail can be sent to maximum 15 users at a time.

Attachments upto 1 MB are allowed.

2 MB

4 MB per mail box. Other dialup packages with higher mail quota are likely to be introduced soon.

Sancharnet Card is a prepaid Internet Access Card with the following features.
- Self-register for internet access with your choice of userid.
- Renew your existing 'sancharnet' account.
- Wide range of Internet Access Packages.
To get the card Contact Customer Care Centre in your city.

The reasons could be as follows:
- Your Outgoing Mail Server Name is not configured correctly. The error you would get is The host
'nmr.sancharnet.in' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name
correctly. Account: 'nmma.sancharnet.in', Server: 'nmra.sancharnet.in', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25,
Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D
(mistake in the above example is that mail server name has been wrongly configured as nmr.sancharnet.in instead of nmra.sancharnet.in):
Steps to Check this:
Open Outlook Express --> Click on Tools --> Click on Accounts --> Click on Mail --> Select Your Sancharnet Account (Setup Already) Ensure that there is a single entry available here to avoid any confusion --> Click on Properties --> Click on Servers --> Check the entry in box - Outgoing Mail (SMTP) - Make sure that the entry in this box the name of your Outgoing Mail Server. Ensure that sancharnet.in is not mis-spelt. --> Click on Apply in case of Change --> Click on OK --> Click on Close. - Your email address is incorrectly configured e.g.
xyz@hotmail.com or
xyz@sanchar.net.in instead of correct address
xyz@sancharnet.in In case the email address is configured
with @hotmail.com, @yahoo.com or @indiatimes.com etc i.e. domain other than @sancharnet.in you will
not be able to send mail through Sancharnet Outgoing Mail Server. Please also ensure that there is
no spelling mistake either in emailid or sancharnet.in
Steps to Check this:
Open Outlook Express --> Click on Tools --> Click on Accounts --> Click on Mail --> Select Your Sancharnet Account (Setup Already) Ensure that there is a single entry available here to avoid any confusion --> Click on Properties --> Check the entry in box - E-mail address - Make sure that the entry in this box is your email address. Ensure that sancharnet.in is not mis-spelt. Click on Apply --> Click on OK --> Click on Close -
- SMTP authentication is not configured. The error you would get if SMTP authentication is not
configured is as follows (In this example test222@sancharnet.in is the address to which the
customer is trying to send mail, but he has not configured SMTP authentication)
The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by the server. The rejected e-mail address was 'test222@sancharnet.in'. Subject 'test', Account: 'nmma.sancharnet.in', Server: 'smra.sancharnet.in', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 5.7.1 Relaying not allowed: test222@sancharnet.in', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC79
Steps to Check this:
(A)Open Outlook Express --> Click on Tools --> Click on Accounts --> Click on Mail --> Select Your Sancharnet Account (Setup Already) Ensure that there is a single entry available here to avoid any confusion --> Click on Properties --> Click on Servers --> Tick on My Server Requires Authentication --> Click on Settings --> Ensure that Use same settings as my incoming mail server is selected --> Click on Apply --> Click on OK --> Click on Close
(B)Open Outlook Express --> Click on Tools --> Click on Accounts --> Click on Mail --> Select Your Sancharnet Account (Setup Already) Ensure that there is a single entry available here to avoid any confusion --> Click on Properties --> Click on Servers --> Check the entry in box - Incoming Mail (SMTP) - Make sure that the entry in this box the name of your Incoming Mail Server. Ensure that sancharnet.in is not mis-spelt --> Check the entry in box under Incoming Mail Server - Account Name - Make sure that the account name is correctly filled. This account name is your email userid. e.g. in email address xyz@sancharnet.in xyz is the account name and therefore the customer will fill xyz here. --> Check the entry in box under Incoming Mail Server - Password. By default you are not allowed to fill in the password unless you tick the box - Remember Password which is just below. Customers are advised not to tick Remember Password box for better security. If this box is not ticked you would be prompted to enter password every time you start Outlook Express and send or receive the first mail. Subsequently you would not be prompted for the password unless you stop and start Outlook Express again. --> Click on Apply in case of Change --> Click on OK --> Click on Close. -
- You are not connected to Internet (Sancharnet) or Outgoing Mail Server is not responding. The
error you would get is:
Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Account: 'nmma.sancharnet.in', Server: 'smra.sancharnet.in', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F
Steps to do:
(i) In case you are connected to internet and are able to browse, but get the error as indicated above, immediately call up the local internet node incharge and explain the problem to him over web-helpdesk or over phone.
(ii)In case you are not connected to internet and are not able to browse, and get the error as indicated above, try connecting to internet again.

For detailed instructions on how to setup Outlook or other email clients pl. visit http://www.sancharnet.in

I have tried to connect to Incoming Mail Server Many times and I have no problem in connecting but it does not show any new mails. It does not even show me the mails which I sent to myself ? (Outlook Express users)
The possible reasons could be:
You have overlooked the Mail Quota Warning Message, which indicates that the mail quota is at
dangerously low level and shall be over soon and also the option to leave messages on server is set
in Outlook Express. Therefore every time you retrieve mail on your PC through Outlook Express a
copy is retained on the server. Over a period of time Mail Quota exceeds the permissible limit and
no more mails are delivered to your mail-box. All new mails are actually bounced to the sender.
Steps to check this:
Open Outlook Express --> Click on Tools --> Click on Accounts --> Click on Mail
--> Select Your Sancharnet Account (Setup Already) Ensure that there is a single entry available
here to avoid any confusion --> Click on Properties --> Click on Advanced --> Ensure that
the box under delivery - Leave a Copy of message on server is not ticked (Customers are strongly
advised not to keep this as ticked so that all the mails are retrieved to the customers PC. This
will ensure better performance) --> Click on Apply in case of Change --> Click on OK -->
Click on Close.
Once this is done retrieve all the mails in your mail box
An Alternative:
Use webmail available through www.sancharnet.in to check the status of your mail box and
delete unwanted mails.

I am getting the following error when trying to send mail to test011@sancharnet.in The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by the server. The rejected e-mail address was 'test011@sancharnet.in'. Subject 'test', Account: 'nmma.sancharnet.in', Server: 'smra.sancharnet.in', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 5.1.1 unknown or illegal alias: test011@sancharnet.in', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC79 (Outlook Express users)
This error indicates that the user test011 does not exist on sancharnet.