
- The last bill details can be obtained on your mobile from the comfort of your home. For this, please send SMS BILL <space><STD Code Phone no><space><Billing Account no.> to 53334 from BSNL Mobile and to 9478053334 from any Non-BSNL Mobile.
- Duplicate Bills indicating the payable amount can be obtained from the Customer Service Centre / Accounts Officer of respective area.
- Duplicate bill is sent through an E-mail or an SMS or both.
- No fee is levied for this facility.

- Rebate in Fixed Monthly Charges (FMC) is provided to subscribers as below when the services are interrupted over a prolonged period, due to reasons attributed to BSNL:
Sl. No.
Period of continuous faults
Rent rebate
Faults pending for up to 3 days
Faults pending for more than 3 days but not more than 7 days
7 days
Faults pending for more than 7 days but not more than 15 days
15 days
Faults pending for more than 15 days.
One month
- Rental rebate for faulty period may not be allowed to the subscriber if services are affected due to subscriber reason.
- Rental rebate for faulty period may be given to the subscriber if the services are affected due to BSNL reason. The same to be allowed only when the subscriber written request is received in this regard.
- Rebate to be given with the approval of area DGM concerned.
- Automatic rent rebate may not be given.
- If the rent rebate cases of a particular area are continuously received, then accountability needs to be fixed.

- If the reconnection is requested within 3 months from the date of disconnection, reconnection will be allowed by the Customer Relations Officer, after collecting the bill dues. No reconnections charges will be levied. The reconnection is likely on the same day or the following day.
- If reconnection request is after more than 3 months of disconnection, but before account settlement, the cable pair and the same Telephone number are not guaranteed. However, if applied for reconnection, it will be processed by the concerned Accounts Officer after collecting all the dues. The security deposit will also be reviewed and further demanded wherever necessary.
- In case of reconnection request after more than 6 months, but before account settlement, such lines are treated permanently closed. However, under the discretionary powers vested, the Deputy General Manager concerned may approve for reconnection in which case the intervening rental is also to be levied in addition to pending bills and security deposit if any.
In cases falling under (b) and (c) the reconnection Advice Note will be issued to the field units for reconnecting the line.

- Outstanding telephone dues can be obtained from the Customer Relations Officer of your area. The same can also be obtained from your Accounts Officer (Telephone Revenue) of the area, if the bill is outstanding for more than 3 months.
- The last bill details can be obtained on your mobile from the comfort of your home. For this, please send SMS BILL <space><STD Code Phone no><space><Billing Account no.> to 53334 from BSNL Mobile and to 9478053334 from any Non-BSNL Mobile.

It is normally 3rd of every month for all regular billing accounts. The Telecom Circles/Metro Telephone Districts decide the date schedule for issue of telephone bills keeping in mind the twin objectives of better customer service and improved collection efficiency.

1) The broadband and FTTH bills are being issued on monthly basis.
2) In the case of landline, customers making more than 3000 calls in a month are presently
billed monthly, and all others are billed bi-monthly.

Bills can be paid as below:
- Pay at any BSNL Retailer Outlet
- Pay at any Post Office on or before Due Date.
- For Online payment, log on to www.bsnl.co.in or Scan any QR Code on the bill.
- Drop your Cheque / DD at BSNL bill collection centre.
- Pay at any BSNL Customer Service Centre (CSC's) / Cash Counters.
- Pay through My BSNL App.

The customer is required to pay the bill by the "Due date" printed thereon. The due date at present is 15 days from the date of issue of the bill.

Yes. Voluntary Deposit (Revolving Account System) and Electronic Clearance
Service / NACH (debit) schemes also enable the customer to pay telephone bills without visiting a
cash counter or collection centre.
Hassle-free modes of payment of bills are as below:
1) For Online payment, log on to www.bsnl.co.in or Scan any QR
Code on the bill.
2) Pay through My BSNL App.

Present rate of GST is 18%.

An excess metering complaint is normally required to be settled within 1 month.