CDMA sets from many reputed manufacturers are available in the market. Customer can choose the set as per his choice. The set procured should be IS-95A/800 MHz compatible. Subscribers are advisced to check condition and warranty for the sets they are buying.
The maintenance of the subsriber owned hand-set rests with the subscriber. Please checkup warranty conditions before buying the Handset
This is a service provided using fixed wireless Terminal and a telephone instrument. The Fixed Wireless Terminal (FWT) will be wall mounted and provided with an indoor type or outdoor type antenna depending on the location of the premises keeping in view the strength of the radio signal to be transmitted and received. The antenna is connected to wall set . A conventional telephone instrument is connected to the wall set through a short telephone cable. The wall set is powered by 230 V commercial A.C. supply available in the subscriber’s premises.
The FWT consumes negligible amount of power when telephone is idle. Only during conversation time the power consumed is about 10 to 15 W, which is same as ‘0’ Watt bulb normally used as night lamp.
The FWT(wall set) has a built-in battery back-up. It takes care of power failures lasting as long as eight hours. When the main is on the battery is on continuous charge. If the battery gets deeply discharged due to prolonged power failure, then it would take about four hours to regain it’s full charge.
Yes. WLL-FWT set comes with built in modem. For accessing Internet you don’t need any additional modem. The following procedure may be followed for establishing Internet connection.
- Connect RS-232 cable between your PC COM port and data port of FWT
- In control panel select Add Hardware
- In Modems menu select Don’t detect option
- Set Modem as Standard 19.2 Kbps Modem
- Save the settings and restart the computer Now your PC is ready to access internet. Use other steps like dial my connection and Internet explorer for accessing internet.
No. You don't have to pay for airtime charges and incoming calls are free .The calls are charged in the same manner as the normal telephone connection (A)
No. You don't have to pay for airtime charges and incoming calls are free .The calls are charged in the same manner as the normal telephone connection x