About BSNL

BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (BSNL) was formed by corporatization of the erstwhile Department of Telecom Services & came into being on 15th September 2000. The company has taken over w.e.f. 01.10.2000 the erstwhile functions of the Department of Telecom in respect of provision of telecom services across the length and breadth of the country excluding Delhi & Mumbai. At the time of corporatization of BSNL, the Cabinet decision stipulated that Government shall provide a package of measures to ensure that the viability of BSNL is not impaired by providing uneconomic but socially desirable services at the behest of the Government.
BSNL is a 100% Govt. of India owned Public Sector Undertaking with an authorized share capital of Rs. 1,50,000 Crores and paid up capital of Rs. 38,886.44 Crores comprising of Rs. 31,386.44 Crores of Equity and Rs. 7,500 Crores of Preference shares capital. Its total income during FY 2022-23 is Rs.20,699 Crores (audited). However, the share capital of BSNL will be increased from Rs. 1,50,000 to Rs. 2,10,000 Cr, as a result of approved capital infusion on account of spectrum charges.
The company has a vast experience in planning, installation, network integration & maintenance of switches & transmission networks. BSNL has a world class ISO 9000 certified Telecom Training Institute.
BSNL is a technology-oriented integrated telecom service providing company which provides complete bouquet of telecom services viz:
- Wire line Services
- GSM Mobile Services including 2G, 3G, 4G & Value added Services (VAS)
- Internet and Broadband services including Fiber to the Home (FTTH)
- Wi-Fi services
- Data Center services
- Enterprise Data services such as Leased circuits, MPLS VPN etc
- National Long Distance services
- International Long Distance Services
- Be the leading telecom service provider in India.
- Be a customer focused organization with excellence in customer care and marketing.
- Leverage technology to provide affordable and innovative telecom services / products across customer segments.
- Becoming the most trusted, preferred and admired telecom brand.
- Providing reliable telecom services that are value for money.
- Generating value for all stakeholders – employees, shareholders, vendors and business associates.
- Excellence in customer services- friendly, reliable, time bound, convenient and courteous service.
- Offering differentiated products / services tailored to different service segments.
- Developing a marketing culture that is responsive to customer needs.
- Maximizing return on existing assets with sustained focus on profitability.
- Increase sales revenue with focus on subscriber retention & acquisition by way of strengthening marketing, quality of service and customer delivery.
- Accelerate the pace of expansion of mobile & data services with up-gradation of technology.
- Leverage data services to increase BSNL’s customer’s base & revenues by providing higher bandwidths capabilities for wire line and wireless broadband customers.
- Adopt policies and processes to enable transparent, quick and efficient decision making.
- Developing marketing team with attitude towards customer care.
- Improve customer care by reducing fault rate, upgrading Customer service and convergent billing.
- Providing a conducive work environment with strong focus on performance to enhance customer delight towards BSNL services.
- Strengthen company’s finances by gainful utilization of its assets through sharing / monetization of existing infrastructure like land, building and sharing of passive infrastructure like towers etc.
- Creating Wi-Fi Hot Spots and replacing Legacy wire line exchanges by Next Generation Network.
- Expanding the reach of fiber network near to the customer premises particularly in apartment complexes through FTTH in order to meet the bandwidth requirement for both data & video applications.
- leverage the existing infrastructure of BSNL thereby contributing towards nation building by facilitating the execution of government programs and initiatives viz. National Optical Fiber Network (NOFN), Network for Spectrum (NFS), and Smart City concept.
- Improve productivity by training and skill development and rationalization of manpower.
- Developing knowledge pool exposed to latest technological advancements.
- To become preferred service provider to the Government for reliable and secure service Network and to serve National security interests.
- To explore opportunities in international telecom in developing markets.
The details of Services provided by BSNL are as under:-
BSNL has modernized its network by incorporating state of the art technology with 100% digital new technology switching network. BSNL has a customer base of 1,079.77 Lakh subscribers.
Wire-line Services: The vast switching network for landlines comprises of 20,920
exchanges having a capacity of 163.29 Lakh lines serving 65.36 Lakh customers.
Wireless Services: BSNL has covered almost all the cities and substantial length of
National Highways, Rail Routes and State Highways. The Cellular services of BSNL are also providing
incidental coverage to the rural areas falling en-route to National and important State Highways.
1,014.41 Lakh mobile connections are working against equipped capacity of 1,142.94 Lakhs. BSNL has
84,268 BTSs of 2G technology, 62,683 Node-Bs of 3G technology and 8,638 e-Node-Bs of 4G technology.
The 3G mobile facility has been rolled out in 6,283 cities / towns.
Broadband Services: BSNL had launched its Broadband services in January 2005 using
ADSL2+ technology. 36.09 Lakh Wired broadband connections are working (including DSL, FTTH &
ILL) as on 31.05.2023. BSNL nation-wide telecom network covers almost all the District headquarters
(DHQ) and cities.
BSNL is providing Wi-Fi broadband connections. BSNL has 5.51 lakh Wi-Fi (unique users) as on 31.05.2023.
BSNL also provides Wireless Broadband Services on 3G & 4G. Total 3G+4G connections are 212.39 Lakh as on 31.05.2023.
In addition, BSNL is providing a host of Value Added Services (VAS) to its landline and mobile customers. VAS is normally a third party service and is provided on franchise model on revenue share basis.