Enterprise Network Services

- MPLS Multicasting Services
- SDWAN Services
- Point To Point Leased lines
- Internet Leased Line
- Managed Network Services
- VPN Services (Over BB,CDMA/3G)
- Wi-Fi
IDC Services

Other Services

Enterprise Business Booking Request

Special Services

- SIP Trunk Service
- Wireline IN Services
- Voice VPN
- M2M / IoT
- Bulk Push SMS
Other Main Services

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How IP Centrex works ?
- Centrex numbers provisioning is done in BSNL IMS Core.
- Customer in a Centrex group can dial Short Code (with 3 to 5 digits) to contact other centrex numbers directly.
- A special access code for Centrex mobile subscriber is 1286.
- Mobile customer should prefix 1286 + Short Code (3 to 5 digits) for calling others in the same group.
- If a BSNL mobile subscriber roams to other operator’s network, he can’t use the Centrex service.
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Features of IP Centrex :
- All India IP Centrex allows small and medium size enterprises to deploy PABX/ CUG service without really installing system physically in their premises.
- IP Centrex has no limitation of Zone/Circle. It is PAN India Service.
- A customer can have a PAN India IP Centrex i.e. numbers anywhere in the country can be brought into a single Centrex group. Each member of the group can access the other by dialing a short code.
- An IP Centrex group can have LL and BSNL mobile numbers (Prepaid & Postpaid). Landline phones of NGN, EWSD & 5ESS exchanges only.
- Number Presentation/CLIP of intra-CENTREX call is the short number.
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IP Centrex Group Categories :
- Within SDCA
- Within SSA
- Within Circle
- Within Zone
- Across the Zones
- Customer Numbers Within Group may be from Different Zones and from different Services like LL,GSM
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IP Centrex Dialing Method
An Landline Customer will dial short code to access the LL/Mobile number of the same group. Mobile Customer will dial 1286 +Short code to access the LL /Mobile number of the same Group.
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IP Centrex Specification :
- Rental for Centrex will be based on number of connections within the group and category of Centrex
- There will be possibility of change of Category.
- IP Centrex will be offered on fixed rental basis to the customers
- Subscriber will not be charged for per call (both local &STD) within Centrex
- IP Centex services will be provided to both Postpaid and Prepaid subscribers
- Plan/rental would be applied on individual subscriber.
- Even if some of subscriber moves out of group , the slab will not change.
- There will not be any GP1&GP2 for IP Centrex services.
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How to Get IP Centrex? :
- Customer can send the request for IP Centrex through SMS/E-mail/Call Centre.
- Customer can also approach the CSC / EB section.
Contact Us:
Toll free number---1800 425 7007 | SMS--9482157007 | Email