Telecom Consumers Charter

About the Company

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) was incorporated on 15th September 2000.It took over the business of providing telecom services and network management from the erstwhile Central Government Departments of Telecom Services (DTS) and Telecom Operations (DTO), with effect from 1stOctober 2000. It is having Pan India presence except in Delhi and Mumbai and is an integrated telecommunications company.
BSNL has installed Quality Telecom Network in the country. The Company is working on expanding and upgrading the network to provide service in new areas and to introduce new telecom services. The company has experienced manpower with vast experience in planning, installation, commissioning and maintenance of Mobile Switching & Transmission Networks. It has in-house world class ISO 9000 certified Telecom Training Institutes.


  1. Be the leading telecom service provider in India.
  2. Be a customer focused organization with excellence in customer care and marketing.
  3. Leverage technology to provide affordable and innovative telecom services/products across customer segments.


  1. Becoming the most trusted, preferred and admired telecom brand
  2. Providing reliable telecom services that are value for money
  3. Generating value for all stakeholders – employees, shareholders, vendors & business associates
  4. Excellence in customer service -friendly, reliable, time bound, convenient and courteous service
  5. Offering differentiated products/services tailored for different service segments
  6. Developing a marketing culture that is responsive to customer needs
  7. Maximizing return on existing assets with sustained focus on profitability


BSNL is a technology-oriented and integrated telecom service providing company which provides the largest bouquet of telecom servicesthus providing its customers a one stop solution for all their telecommunication needs. The company offers wide ranging and most transparent tariff schemes designed to suite every customer. Click here for details of the services being offered for the entire India barring the cities of Delhi and Mumbai.

Landline and Broadband Services

a) For detail of services available under Landline, BB(FTTH), Wi Fi, Wingsand Air Fibre (go to => and then => Landline &Data)


b) For detail of services available under Mobile (go to => and then => Mobile & data)

Enterprise Services

c) For detail of services available under Enterprise Services (go to => and then =>Ent. Services)

SERVICE STANDARDS: The quality of service benchmarks

BSNL is committed to provide state of the art uninterrupted telecom services to its customers and comply with the quality benchmarks as prescribed by TRAI or set forth by itself from time to time.

(A)Quality of service benchmarks as admissible to consumers for Basic services (wire line).

S. No. (1)

Service Parameter (2)

Time Limit for service request or redressal of complaint (3)

(i) Provision of Telephone All cases within seven days (subject to technical feasibility)
(ii) Fault Repair All the cases within five days for urban areas and all the cases within seven days for rural/ hilly areas.
(iii) Shift of Telephone Within three days
(iv) Closures 100% Within 7 days.
(v) Percentage of Billing Complaints resolved 98% within four weeks and 100% within six weeks
(vi) Time taken for refund of deposits after closure 100% within sixty days after closure.
(vii) Accessibility of call centre/ customer care ≥ 95%
(viii) %age of calls answered by the operator (Voice to voice) within 90 seconds ≥ 95%

(B) The bench marks as admissible to consumers for broadband service is as below.

S No. Service Parameter Time Limit for service request or redressal of complaint
(i) Service Provisioning
/Activation Time
All cases within fifteen days (subject to technical feasibility).
(ii) Fault Repair / Restoration Time Within three days
(iii) Billing Performance (a) Percentage of Billing Complaints resolved. (b) Time taken for refund of deposits after closure (a) All billing complaints to be resolved within four weeks.
(b) All cases of refund of deposits to be made within sixty days after closure.
(iv) %age of calls answered by the operator (Voice to voice) within 60 seconds >60%
(v) %age of calls answered by the operator (Voice to voice) within 90 seconds >80%

(C) Quality of service benchmarks as admissible to consumers for mobile services.

S.No. Service Parameter Time Limit for service request or redressal of complaint/TRAI Benchmark
(1) Resolution of billing/charging complaints 98% within four weeks and 100% within six weeks
(2) Period of applying credit/waiver/adjustment to customer’s 100% within 1 week
(3) Accessibility of call centre/customer care >= 95%
(4) %age of calls answered by the operators (Voice to Voice) within 90 seconds >= 95%
(5) %age requests for Termination/Closure of service complied 100% within 7 days
(6) Time taken for refund of Deposit after closures 100% within 60 days

Complaint Booking Channels:

(1) IVRS/Call Centers (Tier- I)

S.No. Type of Service Toll Free No.
(1) For LL, Broadband and FTTH Services 1800-4444
(2) For GSM Mobile Services 1503 or 1800-180-1503
(3) For MPLS and other Data Services 1800-425-1957

(2) Web-Site/Online

(a) Customers can book Online Complaints at BSNL website (

For wireline and wireless Complaints:

(b) In addition, Customers can also book complaints through BSNL’s “Public Grievances Redressal management System” (PGRMS) by clicking at

(3) E-mails: : Complaints can also be booked through e-mail addresses which are available under Circle websites. The same can be accessed by clicking

(4) Facebook/Twitter/Instagram : Complaints can also be lodged from BSNL Facebook page ,,,,     Twitter accounts, and Instagram account

(5) SMSs: The complainants can also be booked by sending SMS to Short Code 53334/long code 9478053334. The details can be accessed at

(6) Walk-in: BSNL has vast network Customer Care Centres (CSCs). Besides these local officers are available to listen to complainants in person.

(7)Mobile Application: Customers can also access BSNL services through “BSNLSelfcare” Mobile Application for Android and iOS smartphones. The same can be downloaded from and

(8) Walk-in: Customers can access BSNL services including bill payment and complaint booking through WhatsApp on number 1800 4444 for Landline, Broadband and FTTH.

Contact Detail of Appellate Authority.

If the consumer is not satisfied with the redressal of his complaint by the Complaint Centre or, if his complaint remains unaddressed or no intimation of redressal of his complaint is received within the period specified, such consumer may prefer an appeal to the Appellate Authority through IVRS (details available at Complaint Booking Channels) within a period of 30 days after expiry of time limit specified for redressal of grievance. Appellate Authority will entertain an appeal even after expiry of said period of 30 days but before three months after expiry of time limit specified for redressal of grievance. Two member Advisory Committee comprising of one member from Consumer Organization registered with the Authority and other member from BSNL has been set up in each Service Area separately to offer an advice on all such appeals preferred to the Appellate Authority.Name and designation of the Appellate Authority of respective Service Area along with his contact telephone number, e-mail id and office addresses is displayed in his office, Complaint Centre (Call Centre) and Customer Service Centre (CSC) and can also be seen on BSNL website. Details of Public Grievance Appellate Authority (Circle Wise) to find out the PG Appellate Authority in your Circle.

Please Use the following form to find out the PG Appellate Authority in your Circle
Please Choose Your Circle:

Step-1. Please click on blank box to choose your Circle PG Appellate Authority.

In addition to the above, changes in Appellate Authority is also published in two leading newspapers, one in Hindi or English and other in the local language of service area within 7 days of appointment of Appellate Authority besides updating the BSNL website.

If a consumer is not able to get his/her complaint/ grievance redressed through the above said channels, he/ she can book his/her complaint /grievance in the CPGRAMS (Centralized Public Grievances Redressal and Monitoring System) Link below at =>

If the customer is not satisfied with the redressal provided through the CPGRAMS Portal, such customers may prefer an appeal on CPGRAMS Portal at

Procedure of Complaint Booking at Call Centre:

1) Every complaint at Complaint Centre (Call Centre) is registered by giving Unique Docket Number, which will remain in the system for at least three months.

2) Every Complaint Centre (Call Centre)

a) At the time of registering of complaint,
  1. When complaint is booked Complaint ID, Telephone Number is intimated to customer (through SMS).
  2. Date and Time of Complaint Creation, Complaint ID, Telephone Number is stored in the System.
b) On completion of action on a complaint,,
  1. When complaint is resolved, Complaint ID, Telephone Number, Complaint resolved is intimated to customer.
  2. System stores the complaint details status along with Complaint Clearance Code.
c) Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS), if installed on a “Consumer Care Number” is operated in the following manners :
  1. the first level of the IVRS provides for language selection;
  2. the second level of the IVRS provides for options relating to the broad categories of complaints and service requests;
  3. the third level of the IVRS provides for a sub-menu under complaints and service requests, separately;
  4. The sub-menu in the third level also contains option enabling the consumer to speak to a consumer care agent.
If a consumer is not able to get his/her complaint/ grievance redressed through the above said channels, he/ she can escalate the same at BSNL Corporate Office either through letter/ e-mail or through telephone as per contact details given below:

S.No. Name of Public Grievance Officer/ Designation Office Address Telephone Number E-Mail Address
1 PGM(CDN I) Room No. 414, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Janpath , New Delhi-110001 011-23372200
2 DGM(CDN) Room No. 29, IR Hall Eastern Court, Janpath , New Delhi-110001 011-23734311

Consumer centric initiatives

1) In addition to the above, subscribers whose grievances remain unsettled are invited to make petitions for redressal of their grievances in Telephone Adalat cum Open House Sessions. The Adalat is presided over by General Manager of the area or by CGM.SSA(Secondary Switching Area) Level Telephone Adalats are being conducted on bimonthly periodicity and Circle level Telephone Adalat cum Open House Sessionsare being conducted once in three months. Customers are asked to give their grievances in writing or on the spot. The concerned office to whom the case relates examines the case received by DCO and settles the case. A speaking order settling the case is communicated to the customers.

2) Consumer Education Work Shop:

BSNL conducts Consumer Education workshops periodically to enlighten and bring the awareness among the consumers, wherein the members registered with Authority (TRAI), along with the officers from BSNL attend and probable solutions are given for the queries raised by Consumers.

How we Monitor and Evaluate

  1. BSNL has put in place Centralized Billing & Customer Care System with automated Fault Repair System.
  2. BSNL has established Web based Grievance Monitoring System to enable the consumers to monitor the status of their complaints in their respective Service Areas. Details about address and process for booking and monitoring the complaints on “Web Based Monitoring System” is available at 2 under Complaint Booking Channels.
  3. BSNL holds periodic "Telephone Adalats cum Open House" to settle disputed cases.
  4. BSNL also continues to make available such information in the telephone bills and also publishes it once in six months in the newspapers.
  5. Any change in the address, of the Web based Grievance Monitoring System shall also be intimated to the consumers in the same manner.

Suggestions and Continuous Improvement in the system

Consumers can give their feedback and suggestions for further improvement in the services on email id BSNL strives to evaluate feedback received from the consumers either in form of grievances or suggestions and makes necessary improvement in the system to maintain the standards of the services. TRAI also issues guidelines to improve the system. Valuable suggestions given by the consumers are duly considered while reviewing “Telecom Consumers Charter” of the BSNL.


  1. Right to select operator of your choice.
  2. Right to get information regarding tariff before provision of service and every time the tariff is changed, especiallyif it adversely affects the consumer.
  3. Right to be informed about the charges, validity period and the procedure to unsubscribe before activation of any value added service, which is chargeable.
  4. Right for stoppage of all commercial calls/SMS fully or partially.
  5. Right to get the rebate of rental in case of continuous disruption of service for more than 3 days.
  6. To seek legal remedy in case the grievances of the consumer is not settled.
  7. To get refund of security deposit within 60 days of request of termination of service subject to adjustment of pending dues, if any.
  8. Where a security deposit has been paid, BSNL is entitled to retain it and apply it as it decides in full or partial satisfaction of any sums due from the customer to BSNL any time. In case of closure of connection, if security deposit is not refunded within stipulated period of sixty days, an interest at the rate of 10% per annum will be paid for the delay.
  9. Right of consumers for termination or disconnection of service: The consumer can get the service offered by BSNL terminated or disconnected any point of time by applying to the local BSNL office. The consumer is, however obliged to make payment of all the bills in respect of services availed by him.
  10. Any consumer may, at any time

    1. during pendency of redressal of his grievance, whether by filing of complaint or appeal, under these regulations; or
    2. before or after filing of complaint or appeal, under these regulations, can exercise his/her right conferred upon him/her under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986(68 of 1986) or any other law for the time being in force and seek redressal of his/her grievance under that Act or law.


Our telecom services are offered subject to the following general terms and conditions:

  1. The services are for bona fide use of the customer/his family/organisation
  2. Any person, including foreign national with valid passport, who is major(In case of minor, through guardian) can apply for a telecom service.
  3. The subscriber shall not allow/ use the telecom service offered to him for any unlawful activity.
  4. The provision of service is subject to the directions issued by government from time to time.
  5. The fixed services are meant for specified location and the subscriber is not authorized to shift the same without permission of BSNL.
  6. The services are offered subject to regular payment of bills by the subscriber failing which BSNL may suspend temporarily or disconnect or withdraw the service at its sole discretion.
  7. While BSNL shall endeavor to ensure un-interrupted service of reasonable quality, it cannot be held responsible for any deficiency or interruption in service due to reasons beyond its control.
  8. BSNL at its sole discretion may revise the tariff rate subject to TRAI regulations.
  9. The services can be suspended without prior notice by BSNL in the interest of public safety or maintenance of law and order or other such exigencies.

Note: In addition to above, terms and conditions specific to any service or service area including tariff are available along with the Application Forms or can be had from local BSNL offices or downloaded from our website

Information about RTI Matters

In terms of Section 5 (1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005, the Company has designated various officials as Information Officers (CPIOs & PIOs) and Appellate authorities. The list of such officers is available at the Company’s Website The concern designated CPIOs, PIOs can be approached for getting the information as pursuant to the RTI Act 2005 at various places.The details are available on RTI link .


Information about Customer Service centre.

More than 3000(1174 outsourced + 1826 BSNL Managed) Customer Service Centers are operational in urban and rural areas in the country. The detailed information about Customer Service Centre is available on the respective circle’s web sites which can be accessed through BSNL main web site

Registered And Corporate Office:
Bharat Sanchar Bhavan.
Harish Chandra Mathur Lane
Janpath, NewDelhi-110001

[Last Revised on 31.03.2024]