BSNL Prepaid Broadband

Tariff for prepaid Broadband Services

A. Initial Charges at the time of application:

Particulars   Amount in Rs.
Installation Charge.   Rs. 250/- *
Modem Charges for outright purchase ADSL Basic Rs. 1400/- **
ADSL WiFi Rs. 1500/- **
* Service Tax extra, **Inclusive of  Sales Tax/VAT.

Note: The Customer desirous of taking Prepaid BB service of BSNL has necessarily to be Landline customer of BSNL.
  • Installation charges and Modem charges shall be collected in advance through Demand Note through the local commercial system at the time of application for Prepaid BB connection.
  • In case of customer having his/her own modem, only Installation charges shall be collected in advance through Demand Note through the local commercial system at the time of application for Prepaid BB connection .

B. Creation of Prepaid Broadband account :

Particulars Amount in Rs.
Activation (Prepaid BB Account Creation) Charges Rs. 100/- (to be deposited at the time of application through demand note)
Activation (Initial)  Benefits 400 MB Usages
30 Days Validity