Universal ITC

What is Prepaid Virtual Calling Card (VCC)?

  • This prepaid card enables you to make local, STD or ISD calls even from a Local/ STD/ISD barred telephone/mobile.
  • This card purchased in one city can be used in any other city from BSNL landline/WLL/Mobile.
  • The calls are charged to the secret number specified in the card and not to the telephone connection being
  • used. There will not be any free calls. No registration charges for this service.
  • Any detailed bill, if asked by the card holder, having subscriber Account No. and PIN, will be given on payment of Rs. 100/-

What is the Denomination of VCC?

Universal ITC ( New )

MRP in all States Rs 20 Rs 55 Rs 110 Rs 300 Rs 550 Rs 1100
Usage period after first use i.e., Validity (in days) 10 30 60 90 120 180
Service Tax+ Education cess applicable except in J& K State (in Rs.) 1.87 5.14 10.27 28.01 51.36 102.72
Expiry Period (Shelf life in months) 18 18 18 18 18 18

 Card value and Talk value (in Rs.)

A) For cards to be sold in States other than J & K
Card Value 18.13 49.86 99.73 271.99 498.64 997.28
Talk Value 16 47 100 281 520 1050
B) For cards to be sold in J & K State
Card Value 20 55 110 300 550 1100
Talk Value 18 52 110 310 574 1158

India Telephone Card (ITC) Call Now Card   Gulf Call Now Card Small Wonder Gulf Call Now
(Merged with UNIVERSAL ITC w.e.f 10.7.2010)
Denomination Rs 50 Rs 100 Rs 200 Rs 500 Rs 1000 Rs 2000 Rs 5000 Rs 100 Rs 300 Rs 500 Rs 1000 Rs 2000 Rs 250 Rs 75
Sale Price (Including S.T & Edu. Cess ) 55 110 221 552 1103 2206 5515              
Talk Value (INR) 50 100 200 500 1100 2300 6000 100 300 500 1000 2000 250 75
Activity period in months (Usage period after 1 st use) 1m 3m 4m 5m 7m 9m 12m 30 days 90 days 90 days 105 days 120 days 45 days 15 days
Expiry Period(Shelf life in months) 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18


Local & STD tariff in paisa per second :

Fixed To Fixed 1 p/sec 1 p/sec 1 p/sec 1 p/sec 1 p/sec 1 p/sec
Fixed To Mobile(10 digit) 1 p/sec 1 p/sec 1 p/sec 1 p/sec 1 p/sec 1 p/sec
Mobile To Fixed 1 p/sec 1 p/sec 1 p/sec 1 p/sec 1 p/sec 1 p/sec
Mobile To Mobile(10 digit) 1 p/sec 1 p/sec 1 p/sec 1 p/sec 1 p/sec 1 p/sec

ISD tariffs in paisa per second:

Rate List of ISD Call Charges w.e.f. 07-01-2014 in Rs/Minute and Paise/Sec.

 How to use VCC?

  • Dial 1802- XYZ ( Number given on the card)
  • Listen to the welcome announcement and select the language.
  • Now dial the 16 digit secret PIN number followed by #.
  • Listen to the announcement for credit balance in the card.  Dial the destination no. (it may be Local/STD/ISD) number followed by.
  • You will be connected to destination number


How to use PINLESS dialing feature?

Use your favourite Universal ITC/CallNow/ITC without dialling 16 digit secret PIN by registering/attaching
your phone/mobile number with the card 16 digit secret PIN.


Registration/CLI attachment
Dialing procedure

1. Dial 1288-425/ 1288-345/1288-233/1288-180
2. Select Language after getting the announcement
3. Dial 16 digit secret PIN number
4. On getting Announcement:"To attach CLI press 1" -Dial 1
5. Announcement:"CLI is attached"
6. Call disconnects.

De-Registration/CLI de-attachment Dialing procedure

1. Dial 1288-425/ 1288-345/1288-233/1288-180
2. Select Language after getting the announcement
3. On getting Announcement:"If you want to detach press 1" -Dial 1
4. Announcement:"CLI is de-attached"
5. Call disconnects.

Making a call with Registered/CLI attached phone/mobile

1. From the CLI attached phone, dial 1802-425/1802-233/ 1802-180/ 1802-345
2. Select Language after getting the announcement
3. No need to dial card number, straightaway balance announcement is announced and then “ dial destination number” is announced
4. Dial Destination number.
5. Whenever customer wants to make a call he has to repeat steps 1-3.
Note: 5 telephone numbers can be attached to one card. But two cards cannot be attached to a single telephone


For More Queries

Contact BSNL Customer Service Centre or Service Coordinator in your locality.