Payment of fee for seeking information under RTI-Act, 2005. | |
The Department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions, vide, their order dated 16th September, 2005 has prescribed an application fee of Rs. 10/- for seeking information from any public authority under RTI-Act, 2005. In view of above, the applicants seeking information related to BSNL CO at New Delhi, must enclose with their application the requisite fee of Rs. 10/- in the form of DD/Bankers Cheque/IPO drawn in favour of Accounts Officer, BSNL CO payable at New Delhi. This fee can also be deposited in Cash with Accounts Officer, BSNL CO, New Delhi against a voucher to be issued by RTI Cell of BSNL Corporate Office, IR Hall, Eastern Court, Janpath, New Delhi. In case the information pertains to BSNL field units (Telecom Circles/Districts/Functional Units), the requisite application alongwith the prescribed fee should be deposited with the concerned CPIO of Telecom Circles/Districts/Functional Units of BSNL. |