Chairman's Desk

Dear Customers,

I extend greeting to all of you on the occasion of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2013. The purpose of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) is to help raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICT) can bring to societies and economies.


The day is celebrated in order to raise awareness of the various advancement in the field of communication technology and how it can be used in the development of society. As all of you know ITU facilitates universal acceptability of international standards and regulations in the field of broadcasting and communications services as well as systems. ITU provides a global forum through which Governments and industry work towards convergence on wide range of issues.


Every year ITU announces a theme for telecom fraternity to observe and pursue. The theme for WTISD 2013 is “ICTs and improving road safety”


It is well known that ICT play a catalytic role in creating opportunities for people in every walk of life. Nowadays while driving we have tools at our finger tips which help us to communicate across the world, navigate through dense traffic and find our way even in an unfamiliar route. We also use music systems, radio and even watch video while driving. We must ensure that we use this technology in order to avoid mishaps. There is a need to create awareness about the use of safe interface and to eliminate technology related distractions while driving .Utilization of ICT and intelligent transport system will also go a long way in improving safety standards.


ated telecom company in India provides solutions to all telecom needs of the customers. We have spread 3G services much better than any other operator. BSNL shall continue its march to spread best and most affordable 3G services to more and more mobile users. We are introducing relevant value added service for both urban and rural population in the local language. We are in the process of finalizing NGN to upgrade fixed line network to IP based network. To improve our information and communication technology and systems to bridge the digital divide in the country a new dedicated organization called Bharat Broadband Network Limited has been set up.


We owe a deep sense of gratitude to our customer. The trust and support has always made immense strength and motivation to us. On the occasion of World Telecom and Information Society Day we rededicate ourselves to work towards providing affordable and equitable access to the citizen of our country through information and communication technology in every part of the country across all segments of the society. We also commit ourselves to further improving ICTs and making driving more safe secure for the citizen of the great country.


With best wishes


[Chairman & Managing Director]